Factors influencing child development pdf

Even the word growth and development are different. Each one of us has a specific kind of nature which takes that particuler form because of the effect of two major factors. Some population groups face considerable inability to access services related to. However, environmental factors and nurturing can bring the best out of the already present qualities in the genes. There are four main factors affecting a child s development, according to. Any parent would want to ensure that it will be as smoothsailing as it can be, and try to be there every step of the way and take any necessary measures. How does the environment influence a childs growth and. How children grow and develop depend on both internal and external environmental factors, some, we have no control over and most of them. The following points highlight the four main factors influencing learning. How genes influence child development verywell mind. Review of key risk and protective factors for child.

External factors from the environment can affect a child s development such as poverty, diet, family background, family circumstances, personal decision, education and housing. Six factors that affects moral development of a child. Factors influencing the development of a theory of mind in. Maternal health since the placenta cannot filter out extremely small disease carriers, such as viruses, children can be born with malaria, measles, chicken pox, mumps, syphilis, or other venereal diseases that have been transmitted from the mother. Finally, factors called growth factors also cross from the mothers blood into fetal blood. Factors influencing the development of children and young people. Who regional office for europes health evidence network hen june 2005 4 summary the issue many disease prevention and health promotion programmes are directed at the health of children and.

Postnatal growth is based on hereditary signals and environmental factors in a complex regulatory network. Measuring environmental factors and school participation for children with disability. Give your child a strong developmental start by promoting healthy physical influences and eliminating negative factors within your. Biological factors that affect child development verywell family. Within that framework, the environmental factors mentioned above and usually recorded in epidemiological. While it is impossible to account for each and every influence that contributes to who a child eventually becomes, what researchers can do is look at some of the most apparent factors. This article throws light upon the top three factors influencing personality development. Language barriers, transportation issues, availability of programs and services, stigma.

Several factors affect all curriculum development in meeting the needs of 21st century learners in both organized academic settings and corporation learning centers. A childs growth and development may be one of the most crucial moments in your life as a parent, and it starts as early as conception. Cognitive development is one of the most essential aspects of growth in a child. Background the wg and unicef are currently working on the development of an extended set of questions on child disability that will focus on environmental factors. By analysis of variance the sum of the independent effects of the other family factors greatly outweighed that of occupational social class, except in the case of the iq at 10 years. Recent investigations suggest that certain factors play an important role in the development of a child during the prenatal period. Social and culture factors introduction child development is a gradual unfolding of biologically determined characteristics and traits that arises as the child learns from experiences. Such environmental factors are more likely to be factors outside the home environment, related to peers and schooling. It is with the help of more knowledgeable others that people are able to progressively learn and increase their skills and scope of understanding. Biological factors include such things as genetic influences, brain chemistry, hormone levels, nutrition, and gender. Factors affecting growth and development of a child edugage. Postnatal growth is determined byhereditary factors, the length ofthe newbornbabywhichwasachieved prenatally, and environmental factors to which the child is exposed during the growth period postnatally fig. Factors that influence child growth and development.

Many factors contribute to this development, making it a complex and gradual process. Mar 16, 2020 in order to understand child development, it is important to look at the biological influences that help shape child development, how experiences interact with genetics, and some of the genetic disorders that can have an impact on child psychology and development. Pdf environmental factors affecting preschoolers motor. Oct 21, 2019 there are many factors that influence child development. This article aims to examine the factors affecting prenatal development, significantly, before and during pregnancy with respect to the development of a child s personality at later stages of life. What are the factors that influence growth and development. Factors affecting early childhood development hello motherhood. Short essay on moral development during infancy what are the influential factors the affects the mental development of a. Your childs development biological and psychological development are mainly influenced in the first five years of his or her life and greatly influenced by the childs environment and interactions. This study explored the development of a theory of mind in blind children aged 5 to 12 years. She takes all possible steps needed for the growth of her baby. Parents and guardians can control some things in their child s life and environment, but not everything. Fetal conditions may also have consequences on postnatal height. His first initiation into the mysteries of the good and the bad is through his parents acceptance or rejection of his various actions.

These influencing factors can be categorised in different ways. Jun, 2017 because children are so vulnerable, they can be easily affected by things many parents and adults take for granted. There is an ongoing debate about which factor is more influentialnature or nurturebut there is no denying that the world we live in plays a major role in shaping who we become. Family plays an important role in a child s moral development.

This child development theory also introduced the concept of the zone of proximal development, which is the gap between what a person can do with help and what they can do on their own. A literature search for articles related to the environmental. According to humans resources and skills development canada, a safe and comfortable place to live is fundamental to our sense of wellbeing. Physical factors that influence child development how to adult. Irrespective of who is your childs primary caregiver you and your spouse, older siblings, or relatives the bonding provided within a family home helps nurture and protect your child physically and emotionally. These factors influence a child both in positive ways that can enhance their development and in negative ways that can compromise developmental outcomes. There are four main factors affecting a childs development, according to.

Languagespecific differences in the general pattern of development are discussed in terms of a number of linguistic factors which may facilitate or retard the child s discovery of the linguistic. Introduction learning to talk is one of the most visible and important achievements of early childhood. There are many factors that determine the progress of cognitive development. These include things such as genetics, parenting, experiences, friends, family, education, and relationships. In developing countries, more than 200 million children under five. Factors affecting prenatal development the elaborate details of life begin with a single cell that develops into a full term fetus within approximately 40 weeks, 280 days or 10 lunar months. Prudham fromthe departmentofchildhealth, university ofnewcastle upon tyne neligan, g. This exploratory study was part of a larger study describing child development in children aged 25 in a small canadian city.

Poverty is the factor creating most stress within families and undermines healthy child development. Each factor must be in an optimal state for normal growth of the child. A total of 23 children with severe visual impairment or total blindness in three age groups 6, 8 and 12 years were tested on a battery of four false belief tests involving changed locations and misleading appearances. Factors affecting fetal development lady care health. A child s personality starts shaping up by witnessing hisher surroundings, people around himher and lessons learned from them. Environmental factors that influence 5 areas of child.

For example, children who grow up poor are more likely than other children to drop out of high school. We can regard positive, or protective factors, that enable the child to have a normal or even faster than normal development without any serious hindrances. Golden days deki pem faculty of nursing and public health, khesar gyalpo university of medical sciences of bhutan a d v a n c e d p r a c ti e s i n n u r s i n g issn. This lesson looks at the main categories of factors and specific. Factors influencing developmental delay among young. Environmental factors that influence growth and development in humans include childhood housing arrangements, family income, educational opportunities, interpersonal relationships and employmentrelated factors, according to best start, ontarios maternal newborn and early child development resource centre. Summary the underlying factors affecting child health and. Childrens health is determined by the interaction of a multitude of influences. Understanding parental concerns related to their childs. Measuring environmental factors and school participation. Environmental factors influencing growthand pubertal. Essay factors affecting prenatal development 14 words. In addition, although the factors influencing delay in child development have been widely studied, as in our previous study,19 the relationships among these factors and their direct and indirect associations with the developmental outcome have been seldom examined. Child health is determined by a variety of factors such as their genetic make up for example.

Basic factors that affect personality development in children. Sometimes, physical influences on child development are easy to control, and in other instances, nature has the final say. Factors influencing child development 2 child development. Benoit encyclopedia of life support systems eolss in development. It is worthwhile to keep in mind there are several factors that affect the development of a fetus. Language development and literacy factors that influence language development judith johnston, phd university of british columbia, canada january 2010, 2nd ed. Environmental factors influencing growth and pubertal. A risk factor is a condition that is statistically associated with a given outcome. A bank of literature exists with respect to factors that influence ecd, outlining significant factors and providing strong evidence supporting a number of practices. Influences on childrens health childrens health, the nations.

The purpose of this study was to explore parental perceptions about their childs development and the factors influencing their reported professional help. This article aims to examine the factors affecting prenatal development, significantly, before and during pregnancy with respect to the development of a childs personality at later stages of life. Factors affecting curriculum development include government rules, which in turn brings other factors into the process. Examples are the mothers use of drugs or alcohol, viral or bacterial diseases. The process of fetal development starts from fertilization of the ovum till the delivery of the baby. Factors influencing the accessibility of education for children with disabilities in india. A child needs both physical and mental support for proper growth and development. Ii the impact of psychosocial factors on development marilyn b. The chemical balance of the mothers body and the presence of conditions or potentially toxic substances that can alter development processes. In a large, geographically defined population ofchildren anumberoffamily factors in. These factors are important in both the unborn child and infants as they grow. Factors influencing early childhood development human early. Together, your awareness and actions to provide the most ideal factors for your child, will determine their eventual growth and development.

The physiological factors are sense perception, physical health, fatigue time and day of learning, food and drink, age and atmospheric conditions. Factors influencing child development 2 free download as powerpoint presentation. Pdf factors that influence human development hhg4m. One of the most important influencing factor on your childs development is hisher family. Factors influencing the development of children and young people child development is an ongoing process from birth until reaching adulthood and typically follows a pattern and a sequence which means that each step takes place in at certain age and in a usual order that is similar in most cases. Environmental influences on child development the prenatal.

The course of this prenatal development is divided into three main periods. The home environment can even affect a child s brain development. Pdf factors that influence human development hhg4m muteka. A childs early home environment has longterm effects on. Language barriers, transportation issues, availability of programs and services. There are many factors that influence child development. What is the role of environment in child development. A lot of environmental factors affecting child development are discussed. What are the main factors that influence the implementation of disease prevention and health promotion programmes in children and adolescents.

Because children are so vulnerable, they can be easily affected by things many parents and adults take for granted. There are numerous factors that play various roles in our growth and development. During puberty, the pubertal growth spurt produces an extraincreasein height,butthereaftergrowthsoonends 2. Child development is important for the general development of your child. Factors influencing the accessibility of education for. Factors affecting early childhood growth and development hilaris. Sep 26, 2017 physical factors can influence different aspects of child development in different ways. Factors affecting prenatal development essay 1145 words. Factors affecting early childhood growth and development. While there are some factors, such as genetics, that are out of our control, environmental factors are within our control. The most important of the other family factors was the quality of the mothers care of her child during the first 3 years of life. When housing is inadequate or unavailable, individual as well as community.

Factors influencing early childhood development ecd a bank of literature exists with respect to factors that influence ecd, outlining significant factors and providing strong evidence supporting a number of practices and programs. There are many factors that directly influence the growth and development of a child. Environmental factors that influence 5 areas of child development. Early child development needs to be a priority issue in policy and practice. By and large, the influences of biological factors on personality structure are limited and indirect. View larger image various factors like family, friends, school, extracurricular activities, cultural and religious communities have an impact on a childs social development. Jul 17, 2019 diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. To help professionals assess the factors affecting a childs development, they have. A child s personality is often shaped by the environment in which he interacts. Factors influencing on curriculum development info4mystrey. Jul 31, 2011 factors affecting prenatal development a. These factors can impact kids throughout the course of development, particularly at critical periods of development during the prenatal period and early childhood. Environmental influences on child development the prenatal environment. Each factor must be understood and taken into consideration.

Environmental factors influencing growthand pubertal development. Factors influencing early childhood development ecd. There is an ongoing debate about which factor is more influentialnature or nurturebut there is no denying that the world we live in plays a major role in. At best, we can state that with any biological predisposition, the environment of the home in which a child is raised, and the larger social environment. Summary the underlying factors affecting child health. Factors affecting early childhood development hello. Factors influencing the development of children and young. Differential effects of factors influencing cognitive. The factors affecting your childs growth and development can be broken down into many smaller aspects to take note. Poverty, then, is a risk factor for high school dropout. Some of the environmental factors influencing early childhood development involve the physical surroundings and geographical conditions of the place the child lives in, as well his social environment and relationships with family and peers. Poverty is one of the most devastating yet stoppable conditions working against the health development of children. Five main factors identified in contributing to growth and developments at early childhood are nutrition, parents behaviours, parenting, social and.